
Several intrepid friends have built presentations around the 5 Stages concept. Following are some examples:

There is No Asterisk

by Dan Vander Plaats


This is the basic “The 5 Stages” presentation, available in the original Keynote (Apple Mac and iOS devices) and in Powerpoint (for computers running Microsoft Windows) format as well. The presentation takes you through a presentation of the case for changing attitudes, then takes you through the different attitudes people can and do have toward people with disabilities, and concludes with a call to build the Kingdom of God by including and equipping people with disabilities in the work of God’s Kingdom.


The Journey of Disability Attitudes

by Evelyn Dita

This “prezi”-based presentation was put together and shared with us through the courtesy of Evelyn Dita, introduced to us through Elim Christian Services Outreach program.


5 Stages: The Journey of Disability Attitudes

by Christine Guth

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This Powerpoint presentation is available for download by clicking here. It was put together by Christine Guth, Anabaptist Disabilities Network Director, and a close friend of the 5 Stages team.

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